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Mark Yaxley | Jul 23, 2024

What a difference a week can make! After reaching an all-time high of USD $2483/oz last week, gold has retraced significantly to the $2400 level, despite the announcement that Joe Biden has pulled out of the US presidential race, pitting Donald Trump against Kamala Harris.

Jeff Thomas | Jul 23, 2024

History repeats. (Or it rhymes, depending on your choice of words.) Throughout history, there has been an extraordinary tendency for governments (and cultures) to follow similar paths. Even regarding eras thousands of years apart, we see people behaving in much the same way, over and over. This is particularly true in the case of “wrong moves.” Over and over, people and their governments make the same mistakes, seemingly never learning from past errors. Why should this be? In fact, how is this even possible? Surely, if a government in the 21st century were to make egregiously bad decisions, they are unlikely to be the same bad decisions that were made in, say, Rome, in the 4th century. The reason, in two simple words, is “human nature.” Human nature remains the same throughout time. Two thousand years ago, governments were typically made up of egotistical, self-centred dictatorial-types, who were far more concerned with their own power than in the general welfare of their people. Today, politics remains a magnet for such people. They therefore will revert to type, when faced with the very same problems. Should we cut spending to give the taxpayers a break? No, we should increase taxation and give more to ourselves.

Jeff Thomas | Jul 17, 2024

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – When you see that men get richer by graft than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – You may know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand – Atlas Shrugged, 1957 Pretty strong words … the last four, in particular.

Mark Yaxley | Jul 16, 2024

Gold’s extended rally continues to impress even the most experienced investors. This week's attempt on Donald Trump’s life has fueled the rally further. Following the attempt, gold surged to USD $2440/oz, just $10/oz shy of its all-time high. Silver, however, did not react, remaining stable after last week’s spike to its recent high of $31.75.

Mark Yaxley | Jul 9, 2024

Gold continues to rally after the latest US jobs report fueled renewed bets that the Fed will begin cutting interest rates this year. Analysts estimate that the Fed will start cutting in September and will make two cuts before the end of 2024.

Jeff Thomas | Jul 9, 2024

Back in the ‘60’s, an interviewer asked the “King of Folk Music”, Bob Dylan what his goal in life was. Bob answered something to the effect of, “I want to make enough money to go to college, so one day I can be somebody.” Bob had a good sense of irony. And certainly, he was always more inclined to think outside the box than to follow the well-trodden path. That was part of what made him so interesting and part of what made him so successful. A similar sentiment was expressed in a song by his peer, Paul Simon: “When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all.

Mark Yaxley | Jul 2, 2024

At present, gold and silver seem to have established a solid footing at their current price levels. While demand from China’s retail market has softened, increased demand in North America is compensating for the shortfall.

Strategic Wealth Preservation | Jun 14, 2024

SWP is pleased to announce the addition of a new storage location in Casper, Wyoming, as part of our ‘one account, one world’ promise. Wyoming, known as a Sound Money State, boasts the top rank in this category and is also listed among the ten safest states in the Union according to US News & World Report.

Strategic Wealth Preservation | Jun 13, 2024

Let’s get into the detailed tips and information Chris shared on how to keep your precious metals safe at home. Whether you store gold and silver in your residence or business, these expert insights will help you safeguard your assets.

Strategic Wealth Preservation | Jun 5, 2024

Understanding Precious Metals: Coins vs. Bars When it comes to investing in precious metals, many people wonder whether they should invest in gold bars or gold coins, the choices can seem overwhelming. Gold and silver offer a range of options, from tiny collectible coins to hefty bars that evoke scenes from James Bond movies. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the game, understanding these distinctions is crucial. Let’s break it down and explore the differences between gold/silver coins and gold/silver bars.

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